
More Info










Three generations of teachers, after over 20 years of passionate activity in the language learning sector and in the organisation of "old-fashioned study holidays", from all-inclusive for minors to personalised experiences for adults, wanting to solve qualitative problems in the old services, we made it possible to design individual study, work and leisure plans, creating learn-in-a-flash.com



Finding a quality service in which: to practice the language, perhaps with individual lessons, a work experience in a local activity to go along with it or doing sports or cultural tourism with the locals, with pleasant accommodation and meals, through an informed choice, without meeting conationals, something which could qualitative problems encountered in colleges, for youngsters and adults. 



An innovative service that allows participants to have a unique experience: being able to be surrounded by natives, at home, in his conversation sessions, at work and in all activities, with the consequent linguistic and cultural improvement, without meeting a conational during one’s entire stay, even in group departures.



Insurance against injuries and damage to third parties for all work experiences and volunteering, additional coverage for students of the three-year period. National health insurance coverage for EU and UK Student Guests (not in the USA).

Constant remote and on-site assistance, in addition to the guarantee provided by host families who, by law, act as “in loco parentis” (parental responsibility) for minors.







A School House is a great host family providing full board accommodation, quality services, possibly a full time schedule and even with a qualified professional language teacher.

We promote school staff, qualified teachers, and more experienced host families to School House status, those who are willing to adapt to our high standards.




  • Assistance 

From registration to after coming back, technical support and commercial guidance, pre-sales information and post sales assistance, 24/7 availability in case of emergency. Remote and in loco assistance with clear pricing for exceptional events. We have you covered!

  • Pick Up and Drop Off

You School House host will pick you up in town at an airport shuttle stop or even at the airport if more convenient for them, the same for drop off the day of departure, when they will make sure you get to the airport in time for your flight. Individual arrangements are not necessary for group departures as your Group-Leader will lead you there.

  • Weekend day with the Hosts 

The first Sunday your host family will do something with you, visit the School House page to see what they usually do and their interests. You may also use messaging to ask your School House about it.

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Your School House will provide the full board, lunch may be packed from Monday to Friday. It is another great moment to share and learning. Visit the School House pages to see their typical meals and the special diets they offer.

  • Single or shared room

Checking availability on the School House page, twin rooms may be shared with a foreign student (same gender and similar age). Sharing with a foreign student may be a great option for Student Guests, the price doesn't change, we recommend this for a better experience.

  • No co-nationals 

School Houses will not accept two students of the same nationality, unless you expressly request or allow it. It is our policy to guarantee avoiding the use of one's own language. We guarantee no other conational in the same School House.

  • Unpaid work experience (If Over 16 years of age)

Either Curricular Traineeships, for EU high school students, or volunteering in not-for-profit organisations. In both cases, for our policy, you will not find another student of the same nationality / speaking the same language.

  • 30’ of conversation time Monday to Friday

Your School House will dedicate 30 minutes to you every day, from Monday to Friday, to speak about your day, your work experience, whatever you like. Mostly conversation to guarantee yourself plenty of proper speaking practice, to improve fluency. Choose a School House which offers lessons for more dedicated time.



You might want to work part-time, or not work at all, to fully make use of this opportunity

These costa are shared among our Student Guests staying at the same School House (when 2 or more)


  • 10 or 15 hours of conversation time Monday to Friday

Individual or shaing with your School House Mates, the cost is shared among the students (when 2 or more). It is normally expected for 14 and 15 year old students in groups.

Books, materials and exam fees  are paid on top of what the School House charge for their time. For exmaple if you decide to buy a "Cembridge First Certificate" preparation book, it will have to be paid on top of what the School House asks for their time. Most School House hosts consider books and material included (provided by them), as they use it multiple times for different students. See details on their School House Page and message for details or to ask for dedicated material.

  • Afternoon CLIL activities 

Every day your School House Host will take you to see places and do things, practice your language skills while exploring and having fun!

Admission tickets, transport and other extra costs, of activities are paid on top of what the School House charge for their time. For example if playing bowling costs £10, You will have to pay this directly to the bowling centre. Note: if an activity you agree with the host requires the host to take part, at a cost, the student pays also for the extta costs for the host.



You must work part-time, or not work at all, to have the time to be free

You may opt for this solution to save monay or simply because preferable


  • Sports centre

Signing up to one of Nottingham's selected Sports Centres with gyms, swimming pools and other facilities, is very easy, you will find most offer a pay-as-you-go plan, which means you may choose daily what to do and pay for it, or a weekly/monthly membership to access all the services. This would be a convenient way of engaging every afternoon in a healthy activity, surrounded by locals and to practice your Speaking skills once more in a completely new environment.

We estimate the cost to be less than £50 a week. Your School House will help you sign up.

  • Go visiting

We will send you a link to a great App with virtual guide which offers three guided tuors of the city of Nottingham: tourist attractions; independent shopping and Creative Quarter. The App is ffree. Of course there is a tourist information centre and much more to see and do.



We have selected, visited and trained every single School House, so you can choose with peace of mind and independently according to your needs: qualification of the teacher, presence of other students, with or without children, animals, included services, diets and options offered, distance from the workplace and much more. You can request our additional dedicated advice.Learn-in-a-flash! 







.. who is over 16, even pensioners! You can combine your lessons, sports activities and tourism working part-time, or getting a full-immersion with a full-time job! This at local businesses with local managers, colleagues and customers. There are two types: voluntary work, for everyone, or, in full compliance with the law, as a Curricular Traineeship, for high school students.



ours is an emulated international labour market, in full compliance with the law, for EU and UK students. Work tutors may ask for an interview before accepting your application. We are talking about real work, even if unpaid, a great linguistic, cultural, working and life experience. Ask your high school to internationalise to be able to fully take part.



Charities will be delighted to welcome you and you will be doing something good for the others. We mainly work in shops but also in museums, bars and much more. From the age of 16, with no upper limit, we also accept pensioners. Experiences are possible even with a lower Enlgish language level.



To start your unpaid work experience, submit an application to one of the participating businesses. The offers range from the most common jobs, particularly useful for linguistic practice and relationships with others, to the more specialised ones, typical of certain high schools





We have chosen Nottingham as the ideal destination: particularly "British", suitable for young people, capital of culture and independent shopping, home to many companies, second in number only to London. It is also second for Cambridge written exam corrections, after Cambridge itself of course, as well as a famous tourist destination. Direct connections with the airports of Valencia, Barcellona, Milan-Bergamo, Venice-Treviso, Pisa, Rome, Naples and many others. It's the right size for a group: most School Houses are within half an hour bus ride to the town centre.



We can offer our services with individual departures for over 16s also to London, Dublin and Miami (here no work experience), and other destinations upon request.

For these other destinations, both the estimate and the program will be sent on request.






  • Working/volunteering? Part-time or full-time?

You should decide beforehand whether to work or not and for how many hours a week. This because if you choose to wor full time, you will not be able to do extra lessons, or afternoon activities, or have free time to do sports or go visiting.

  • Conversation sessions, activities or free time?

On top of the included services you may ask your School House for more dedicate time in the form of conversation sessions and/or afternoon CLIL activities, all well and good to imrpove your English language skills.






Upon arrival, each student will be welcomed by one’s own School House and the personal experience will begin, with individual work experience, conversation sessions and so on. Organizationally, eah student does not come into contact with other students of the same nationality or speaking the same language during your stay. (we accept requests for sharing School House and lessons, but they are denied for any work/volunteering experience).



You got it right, no groups of conationals who meet in a College: every morning, during your conversation sessions, for lunch, in the afternoon, during evening activities and on trips, at best spending time with foreign students. Guaranteed: there will be no other students of the same nationality or speakign the same language with the same Work Tutor or, if not expressly requested, neither in the same School House.



This system allows you to choose your individual experience, with your teacher, in your family, with your program and if you wish your work experience/volunteering, all chosen by you with our assistance.




Try our Price calculator to estimate how much it would cost you. Some prices are stated as estimated as they may vary according to School House (the cost f lessons and afternoon activities) and other services.