First read “about us”. is a search engine of unpaid “job offers”, defined "work related learning" (experiences) as they are legally part of their curricular internships/traineeships, that is they practically count as school hours.
Foreign students wanting to improve their language and working skills, and knowledge in general, will have to opportunity to experience the UK without paying absurd amount of money, by working.
No money is involved, students may not pay or be paid for the work experience, as it is against Italian laws (based on European directives).
The founding principle is to allow to Student Guest to get some work experience, here no doubt of their choice, to practice and improve thier language skills, strengthen the potential learned with his or her studies and add fluency, something Student Guests don’t get in their own countries. Nevertheless through improving work, marketing, communication skills, cultural knowledge or simply personal general improvement.
They finally have the chance to do it surrounded by natives, not in a crowded class with some homey, not in a simulation, but in the real life, by passionate locals.
You can also make personal requests ( i.e. duties, rules, request references of even a video job interview) , with all the transparency, the information provided by the old students and Work tutors feedback.
In an extremely easy way!
In an extremely easy way! See here
To save time! and money! Basically for having the chance to get in contact with people around the world with a simple clic.
Yes, we make a ground control of all the information inserted in the profiles, but in any case we may, in accordance with the law, send our inspectors to verify in person, or under request and people involved too, as for example tutors of high schools who are responsible and paid for, may do DBS checks according to regulations. In any case you would see the verification level achieved by each.
The internal messaging system allows contact before confirmation to get more information.
Cherry on top: the system is based on an agency net, every Student has an agent, a person, that assists them in creating their account and also those listing and will test and evaluate Users listing in person.
School Tutors are paid by the state to organise work related learning experiences.
The reason they can afford to do it in England is thanks to the founder of this site, Dr. Avanzi Matthew, who in turn makes a profit on organising the Student’s journeys, accommodation and extra services, typically paid for by the parents.
Work Tutors do it for free, well, in exchange of unpaid work.
We accept all persons who are over 16 years of age in the UK and Ireland, elsewhere over 18.
Yes. By creating your profile you have the right to use our Instant messagings service, which allows Student Guests to get in touch.
Please be aware! Using our Instant messaging service you accept to follow the terms and conditions, which includes avoiding spam, advertising, any kind of commercial messages related to third parties
As you might have understood, we really care about keeping this website clean from fake profiles and robots. Only really completed “bookings” have the possibility of reviewing.
All members have an agent assisting them, all are acquainted.
You will automatically receive an e mail or by checking your account.
After the first contact, you will be able to confer with the interested Student Guest by using the apposite messaging sections.
Student will arrive on time first day of work.
If he or she doesn’t arrive on time, you may call school tutor and you should check hours written down by student on working hours register.
If he or she doesn’t arrive, you must warn school tutor (you will have contact details upon confirmation of a work experience).
The worst aspect of canceling is the impact it is going to have on the Student Guest, who have emotionally prepared him/herself to this new adventure, with all the anxiety that comes along.
So please, before canceling a booking make sure it is absolutely unavoidable, and, if it is, give plenty of notice.
Student Guest that will cancel will lose an opportunity and will not get the mark at the end of evaluation.
Cancellations are unlikely.
If a Student Guest cancels, you will immediately receive a notification from the website.
Yes, he/she can.
Regarding the work experience: you would still be asked to review the Student, of course you may give the marks you like.
Regarding School Houses (paid services as lessons and accommodation): refer to the agreements you have with your agents. has no say upon agreements between the parties involved if not the explicit requirement of abiding by the Terms.
Learn in a Flash Ltd is not responsible for loss or damage to third parties, to the property or the persons of either the Hosts or the Student Guest. We just provide a free listing service.
For damage caused by Students, not related to the job, the work experience, for which they have national insurance coverage, Parents are liable and have taken full responsibility when signing student/work tutor/high school pact “learning agreement”, terms of this site and contracts with their local agents.
Student Guests, School Houses and third parties generally have to prove the other party’s negligence to claim compensation for extra expenses, so work properly and all will be fine.
Acts, Safety, Data protection.
This guideline must be read according to the Terms and Conditions.
Learn in a Flash Ltd holds information, which may include DBS/Criminal record checks, personal documents, addresses, any censured content, according to the Data Protection Act of 1998.
Learn in a Flash Ltd will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent.